How Black Classical Composers Have Contributed to Modern Digital Marketing: The Music Bridge: Jerry C. Jones
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How Black Classical Composers Have Contributed to Modern Digital Marketing: The Music Bridge: Jerry C. Jones

Classical music, for most people, is synonymous with Mozart or Beethoven or Bach and the rest of the orchestra. It is also essential to honor and recognize the achievements of the Black classical composers. They were as much a part of the classical music world as their descendants did, literally and figuratively, adding more in critical mass to the organic music cultures.


It is reasonable to assert how Black classical composers belong to the history. Most of these composers went ahead to compose lovely new music even with endless obstacles. Most of them were the conductors of change in the course of history based on their backgrounds and cultures.

One of them is the chevallier De Saint-Georges He has been referred to more than once as the black Mozart. Describing a life lived from 1745. It would be impossible to speak about him merely as a composer. Later, Samuel Coleridge-Taylor would come up as one of the popular composers in the last decades of the 19th century and even in the first half of the 20th century, exciting such embarrassing admiration from the contemporary Edward Elgar.

Launched into the spotlight in particular was William Grant Still along with the likes of Florence Price in the USA. 20th century saw Price trying to be the first African American woman to be the first to have a symphony performed under a major orchestra. Still's work, the Afro-American Symphony, ended the century as the most performed American symphony of the century.

Key Figures in Black Classical Music

In addition to the above, present time also has its black composers making notable contributions. For example, Tania León, an Afro Cuban composer and conductor has fused traditional Western and Afro Cuban musical styles in her compositions. Her works have reached the highstandards of execution by several orchestras across the globe.

Another remarkable composer is the American composer, Jessie Montgomery whose spiral music encompasses aspects of folk and concert traditions and carries social meanings. In recent years, “Starburst” has been gradually introduced to the more modern “classy” music as a classic standard.

Similarly, Undine Smith Moore, who is also looked upon as the 'Dean of Black Women Composers' stands amongst them, she is a composer of more than 100 works purely choral, orchestral, chamber and various combinations of all.

Impact on several spheres of music

The legacy that Black classical composers left on classical music. These composers have contributed to genres such as jazz, or modern music. For example, there was William Grant Still who made classical music in something more popular, cool incorporating blues, and spirituals for the containers of classical forms.

In addition, new genre cross brewing brought forward a lot of creativity. Most describe the combination of African elements in western classical music as a genre with its own characteristics that inspires most musicians. Such contributions have shown that classical music is not a stagnant genre, it is constantly evolving, and can borrow different ideals.

Cross-Pollination Between Classical Music and Digital Marketing

Elucidating Digital Marketing

Digital marketing refers to reaching consumers and selling goods and services with the help of such modern tools as social networks, search engines, e-mail, and company websites. The field has improved tremendously owing to the introduction of advanced technology and algorithms emphasizing on the need of targeting specific clients with appropriate messages and information delivered through data.

Postal service owners, IT practitioners, and marketing professionals in this case have to learn and incorporate this art as the competition in checking and balance worlds requires that. Doing content marketing, SEO, or social media advertising means living in a world where learning digital marketing is a key factor in reaching new audiences and expanding one’s business online.

The Importance of Classical Music in Brand Development

Branding can be made more compelling by incorporating classical music’s elements of sophistication and timelessness. There are elite brands that employ classical music within their advertising as a way of building elegance. It is not only the music that matters, but more so the feelings and memories that come with the use of classical music. For instance, adverts for high-end carmakers such as BMW and Mercedes Benz employ classical music to offer a sense of heritage and quality.

In addition, classical music could also support a company’s brand narrative. An audio-visual advertisement combines the perfect message and the best soundtrack to strengthen its appeal and enhance the audience’s recall. For sports oriented brands, there is always upbeat classical music whenever there are commercials, and this is to invoke excitement in the consumers.

Classical Music in Action – Case Studies of Successful Campaigns

In many campaigns, there is one common element that unites them and it is the use of classical music, who has not succeeded in this area. One particular case was British Airways’ “The Orchestra” television commercial, which is set in the most beautiful locations with delightful scenery and is accompanied by the Flower Duet by Delibes; the images are terrific so is the music. This commercial was very effective since the classical music created an impression of a sense of peace and class.

One more case in this direction is the advert for the Apple Watch Series 2, which focused on precision and innovation by showcasing Bach’s “Brandenburg Concerto No. 2”. The construction of that classical composition also supported the attempt of the Apple brand to combine classic and new approaches.

Furthermore, the ‘dz Hokkaido’ tea campaign in Japan also featured Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons” which was designed to promote purity and nature. The sound not only matched the image but also assisted the brand in establishing a sense of calm and elegance that was appealing to its audience.

Weaving a Narration and Creating an Emotional Connection

The Role of Music in Construction of Narratives

Music has an even greater responsibility – it is a carrying element of a narrative. It bears meaning and tells a story, which often is not possible to phrase out in mere words, how so ever expressive one’s oratorical skills are. This is the promise that Black classical composers deliver in their projects as they combine music with cultural stories of themselves and the history.

In particular, Florence Price’s symphonies and piano compositions carry with her, history, childhood nostalgia as well as depressions as African-American women in the 20th century. Her works depict story ecosystems of struggles, survivorship, and positive change. This quality of music can be effectively used in advertising for the purposes of weaving true-to-life and interesting stories.

Emotional Resonance as One of the Elements of a Marketing Campaign

It is not a secret that emotional resonance is every marketer’s best weapon. Lovers of a certain brand are most likely to be retained as loyal customers. Such dings help to achieve success regarding emotional resonance.

Take a moment to reflect about how the use of music in trailers of movies normally tends to create emotion. This principle holds for other areas of marketing as well. Individual items of classical music are capable of calling up such feelings and states associated with that, which include wistfulness, happiness, peace and so on, which are in conformity with the brands content

Examples of Good Storytelling Technique

A good example here is Coke, who successfully used music as storytelling in their ads. The adverts have music, which creates a drama, which takes the target audience on an Emotional ride. As an example, the “Share a Coke” campaign, used cheerful songs to provide sentiments of sharing, linking and being together.

Moreover, John Lewis’ Christmas adverts have become a classic example of modern advertising in which art is fully evolved, and how effective a story can be told. The majority of these adverts blend with all understated emotional themes and feature well known sentimental songs performed often in a classical style.

Likewise, brands that cater to the segment of the health conscious consumer can incorporate classical relaxation pieces in mobile campaigns of their meditation and mindfulness application, making the atmosphere relaxing to help stimulate interest in the product.

Cultural Diversity and Inclusion in Digital Marketing Important of Representation: Diversity is widely discussed in advertisement and digital marketing. …Representation matters and everybody wants to see someone like them in every aspect of advertisement…To marketers, this only means to devise their campaigns in such a way that every audience is captured and embraced its diversity. Representation is not only the pictures posted on, and rather the images we post along or the sound and the stories we tell. An example is marketing campaigns and advertisement using classical music of black composers adding value and richness. Incorporating Diverse Influences: Use of different styles in advertising campaigns helps in making the products acceptable to a number of people. A product of marketing that is incorporated in different cultural contexts has a possibility of reaching a wider audience. Which consists of patches of advertisements that use musical excerpts from black classical composers in order to provide depth to it that is consistent with the advertisement. For example, the Frozen covid vaccine ads could include this type of background score where ever available through the technology of placing images or recordings powered by this background score which is liberal and non-conformist in complexion. This not only gives respect to the person but also completes the story well.

Successful Examples of Inclusive Marketing Communication

A classic case of an inclusive marketing approach is Nike's “You Can’t Stop Us” campaign, which advocates for the sportswear brand. commercials include people of all kinds of athletes with various backgrounds, and friendly music that goes with every storyline. This strategy not only engages people from different facets of life, but also delivers an inspiring message of togetherness and perseverance.

AApps avoids marketing exclusions using Airbnb’s “We Accept” that advices diversity and inclusion. The goal of the campaign was accomplished. The brand is also viewed as embracing and appreciating multiculturalism.

In the case of small business marketing, emphasis on the consideration of diverse influences in marketing can also make for great brand content that cuts through the noise.

Musicality and its Application in the Marketing Framework

Musical Notes: Basics of Music Theory

If one understands the essentials of music theory, they may come up with improved marketing plans. Music theory is the attempt to explain how music works- harmony, melody, rhythm or even dynamics.

Music theorists may be of assistance in this aspect. It helps in picking music that will achieve the intended emotional effect and response from the listeners. It is about knowing which chords or harmonies can present emotions such as happiness, sadness or excitement.

Application in Ad Jingles and Background Scores

Commercial appeal of advertisements is popular in today’s world, likewise the necessity of music in the synthesis of ads. . Thus for instance a brand may easily be remembered simply because it had an interesting jingle. An advertisement that uses jingle mostly with major chords, appears lively that is appropriate for fun and high tempo advertisements.

Before one records background music for an advertisement they can benefit from the music theory themselves. For instance a piece can be designed in such a way that its climaxes emphasize specific climaxes of the ad and the audience’s affective response thereon.

Insurance such as assurance works well with background scores that are designed to bring in tranquility. On the other hand, fitness brands could employ the help of pulsating bhangra beats that are highly likely to get the customers up and about.

Improving Customer Engagement Through Music

Customer participation can be improved by adding the element of music. Research shows that background music incorporated into shops impacts customers’ purchasing activities. In the same way, the music harnessed in digital marketing campaigns has the capacity to engage and retain the customer base.

To illustrate, a captivating YouTube advertisement that has music is very likely to be watched to the last second. As such inserting music from Black composers into the ad thread can bring forth a uniqueness into the ad campaign in terms of emotion and culture.

Future Implications and Trends

Business and marketing concepts are constantly changing.

Change is always the case for digital marketing and this can help avert choking when it is time for revision. One of the trends that emerged is the growing popularity of using content that is more customer-centric rather than brand-centric. Music, including classical pieces, usually forms part of such movements.

On the other hand, another trend is the application of special tools like AI and machine learning in studying a target audience and improving the marketing mix. These machines can even help select the appropriate music to be used as an advertising campaign to effectively capture the target market.

The Progressive Use of Classical Music

There has been an increasing number of innovations as a consequence of classical music as well. Advances in technology such as Virtual reality (VR) and Augmented reality (AR) have been able to enhance music interactions. Thus, such technologies can be deployed by brands to reach out to their audience by providing such experiences promising high engagement and loyalty.

The applications of music streaming have also expanded to offering specifically selected classical music playlists aimed at different activities such as listening to them while studying. These innovations have the effect of popularizing classical music into people who would have been out of its earshot.

Forecasting Future Promotions

Moving ahead, it’s highly probable that the use of classical music in electronic marketing will become more widespread. With the increasing competition in the market, companies like to use classical music as a differentiating factor to etch their brand into the clients.

Moreover, since customers are beginning to appreciate diversity and inclusion, music from Black classical composers will be key in future marketing campaigns. Besides enriching the marketing trend, these trends will also enable harnessing of these composers’ celebrations for posterity.

black classical composers


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