Explaining Why Small Business Owners Would Find It Useful To Pursue A Degree In Music Psychology
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Author: Kate

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Explaining Why Small Business Owners Would Find It Useful To Pursue A Degree In Music Psychology

Brief Overview Of Music Psychology For Small Business Owners

Generally, the knowledge of customer behavior is essential in providing a competitive edge to small businesses. Music psychology is a relatively new branch of psychology that studies how music impacts individuals’ feelings and actions. These conclusions can also inform better customer experience practices and advanced marketing tactics for small business owners. This writer will present you the scope of music psychology and the ways it can be applied in your line of work.

What is Music Psychology?

Music psychology is dedicated to investigating the nature of music and its effect on the mind and body. The study of specific psychological functions associated with several different types of music activity is included. Music psychology is an interdisciplinary field that integrates and highlights psychological science, neuroscience, and the study of music or music theory.

For example, remember how the jingle helped you forget your troubles or how a sentimental piece of music managed to sadden you. These are emotional responses and they do not just happen for the sake of it; there is a reason behind them and that is the connection of music with the human mind.

Music Psychology and the Aim of Its Study

If you are curious as to what sort of education a person would pursue so as to become a music psychologist, here’s a short summary. Most degrees in music psychology include such subjects as the study of the brain in relation to cognition, emotion theory, and musical theory. Students understand the research approaches that are applied in the field of music psychology including, but not limited to experimentation and surveys. They also investigate the effects of music on the mental status and how this therapy can be incorporated into the care of patients.

This knowledge will benefit not only psychologists, but also people such as marketers, teachers or simply people who are interested in what music does to or for people.

Defeating Concerns for Their Moods

As a business owner believes, in case of small businesses, it is important to know the concern of the people, the customer. It can improve the design of the environment in which people are more likely to respond positively. Music psychology helps a business owner to know their customers and the things that influence their behavior hence helping them to select the music that will suit their shops or advertisement.

The belief is that, when customers were pleased and relaxed in a business, the customers would buy or place orders and also recommend the business to other persons. Therefore, the knowledge of the impact of music on customers is helpful as it leads to enhanced customer approval and more sales.

The Relationship Between Music and Emotions: Some Theories

Effects of Music on Emotions and Behaviour

There is a huge impact of music on the emotional and behavioral aspects of the listeners. It can uplift one’s spirits, alleviate strain, and enhance focus. This is because music induces the discharge of dopamine, the ‘feel-good’ hormone. Well, some of the songs can create unique feelings. For example, if you listen to quick tunes they might make you energetic, but if you listen to slower tunes it might make you more relaxed.

This can be exploited by businesses. For instance, in a shop, encouraging music can facilitate customers’ active movement around the store and with the products, whilst relaxing music will help a spa treatment context.

Research In The Area Of Music Psychology

Many studies have been conducted to determine how music can affect the emotions of individuals. For instance, music has been shown to lower the heart rate, blood pressure and cortisol levels, which are all measures of stress. Another was simply that music that is about 60 beats per minute could induce relaxation as depression could be lessened.

These conclusions are useful for businesses as well. Since music is subservient to emotions, business owners will capitalize on the knowledge of the scientific impact of music on emotions in selecting the appropriate music for their customers.

Practical Applications in Business

Music psychology has mostly psychological applications, but some observations can be brought to execution in a business environment. For example, retail stores can improve the shopping process, by choosing adequate music that corresponds to their tagline and target audience. Bistro can turn a rather bland kitchen into an amazing place; services offered can serve better with appropriate music. Even tasks performed within the office can be accentuated better with the correct kind of music played in the background.

Take, for example, a luxury store that offers classical music to patrons, while a bistro that targets the youth demographic opts for serene independent music. Each of these decisions mirrors how each of them appreciates the customer and their respective behaviors.

Enhancing Customers Experience through Music

The Background Music in Retail and its Importance

Background music is an indispensable part of a retail design. It is not simply a fancy last touch, it is a weapon that can manipulate the customers when they are inside the store. Background music has been shown to increase the volume of sales, increase the time that customers spend in the store, and even influence what the customers choose in terms of products.

For instance, there is a study that has shown that in a wine store, playing classical music will increase the number of people purchasing high priced wines. The musique elevates the environment which in turn makes the clientele more prone to purchasing the high priced items. Conversely, fast pace music in a supermarket tends to quicken the pace of shopping during rush hours hence decongesting the supermarket.

Creating a pleasant pinning atmosphere encompasses more than ambiance our objectives are also to include the enjoyment of the customer when planting even though it may be a nuisance since stabbing a client or pricking them with a needle is quite advanced. It consists of targeting one’s customers and the environment in which they are shopping in. For example, a small shop where young adults are the majority may need to put on popular young people’s songs whilst the elderly’s customers’ shop may have old gems on rocks or jazz sounds.

In addition, the level of the music and the speed of the music should also be taken into account. It is possible that high energy music in an aerobics class is effective but when reading a book in a quiet library it may be considered bothersome. Fast tempo music makes an individual feel that time is of great essence while playing gentle tunes will let the client be comfortable and take their time.

Business case studies where there is effective use of music

Music has been used by different businesses to elevate the customer experience. For instance, Starbucks is always known to play specific songs of a carefully thought out playlist that relates to its business while making the people savoring the coffee at the store feel relaxed and at home. The company employs a similar strategy across all of its branches that involve the genre of the music played and this creates an image that is identify able and appreciated by the customers of Starbucks.

Another good case is that of Abercrombie & Fitch. Such is the case of Abercrombie & Fitch which pumps loud and cheerful music to create a night club feeling within the stores. This goes down well with the young, fashion trend adrenaline-filled age group customers and sets the chain aside from its competitors in retail.

Identifying an Age Group through Music

Age Related Tastes

Age groups have different music tastes. This is important because most people have preferences and to make a sale one has to satisfy a customer’s needs. Younger adults can range from listening to pop and hip hop to electronically produced music; while older adults can range from classic rock, jazz, and country.

For example, a family restaurant can decide to play current songs as well as the old songs so as to entertain both children and their parents. For example, for a luxurious spa, they can use instrumental or soundscapes depending on the ambiance they want.

Segmentation of Playlists According to Different Target Customers.

With this knowledge in hand, it is time to develop personalized playlists which will suit them best. For example, a retail outlet may choose to play one genre during the day and a different one at night. Daytime playlists could include soft sounds to gently prepare customers for the day while more upbeat and happy songs could be played at night to attract people coming in after work.

Special activities or periods also provide an opportunity for businesses to alter their playlists. In this way, a shop may have music during the holidays in order to bring about a festive feeling in the customers.

Gathering and Interpreting Feedback from Customers.

An important aspect of this is getting important information such as recommendations or opinions and assessing customer actions. Music test surveys are useful in evaluating the audience’s musical reactions, and sales analytics helps in realizing musical sales patterns.

For example, when a certain playlist is being played, if there is an increase in sales in the shop, then it can be deduced that that music makes the customers visit more. On the other hand, having several customer reviews that rave about the good mood of the establishment’s premises more than once can help further cement the belief that music works in the establishment.

Using Music as a Mid-Tool of Branding and Marketing

Embedding Music in Brand Strategy

Those in branding know that music forms an integral part of your brand identity. A unified signature tune can be further utilized in other places that touch the consumer such as stores or websites, in addition to the advertisements. For instance, a more classical music can be used by more expensive brands in which sophistication is put in play, but in a more contemporary fashion brand pop dance music use will depict a younger and livelier energizing force within the brand.

Again one needs to maintain it throughout the campaign. Make sure that the sound resonates and reflects the essence of the brand and its communication. This will in turn maximize the customer experience with the brand on offer.

The Importance of Music in Advertisement Promotion

Music when played to accompany images or messages adds value. It enhances the advertisement in terms of rememberability, emotion and the appeal of the message. For instance, different advertisements have also had hallmark tunes that draw in consumers to those advertisements. These musical items linger in the minds of the consumer as journeying with the brand positively.

For instance, Coca-cola’s ” I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke” campaign used a catchy jingle to draw people together and spread the message of happiness. The song went on to become a hit and therefore further strengthened the message that the firm sought to deliver.

Examples of Successful Music Branding

Firstly, quite several brands have been able to integrate the element of music in their branding campaigns. One notable example is Apple, which heavily incorporates music within its advertisements. This provides the message that the brand is forward looking and very modern.

Also, there is always a motivating background music used in Nike‘s advertisements that motivates athletes and fitness lovers. The music can be cohesive with the message in the advert where aspiration achievement and persistence is crucial to the premise of the advertisements.

Training Employees on Music Psychological Principles

Educating Staff on the Impact of Music

In order to gain such advantages of music psychology, it is important to teach your staff how to make the best use of the concept. Employees need to apprehend how certain pieces of music can affect the customers’ feelings and actions. With this knowledge of music, they will be in a better position to make right judgement on the kind of music to use and therefore enhance customer interaction.

It might be a good idea to organize training modules on the concepts of music psychology that the employees need to know as per your organization's requirements. Use examples and case studies to explain how these are relevant and can be utilized in your organization.

Incorporating Music Strategies in Customers’ Communication

As soon as the employees are oriented, they can use music strategies in their dealings with thecustomers. For example, they can change music with the time of the day or also with the kind of customers who are present in the store. Also, in such occasions, music can be employed to set the mood for the customers.

Request employees to pay attention to how customers respond to the music; if there is a need to change it, the customers’ situation should be in consideration. Customers in this case may use first hand observations in determining the relevant and irrelevant components of the product.

Feedback Monitoring and Euglate of the Music Repertoire

Music strategies require a continuous assessment and tuning in order to remain relevant. Collect any feedback from customers from employees regarding the music selections and implement changes reasonably. This will work to engage the customers in giving feedback in order to optimize the music strategies employed by the business.

Make use of customer surveys, sales reports, in-store observations, etc, to evaluate the impact of music selection on consumers’ behavior. It is also advisable to change the playlists at normal intervals in order to prevent loss of any relevance of the music.


Three suggestions are drawn by some of the very relevant observations gathered in music psychology, which can assist small business owners in improving customer experience, building up branding and selling more. So, if you know that music can change a person’s mood and how they act towards certain things, then you will know what kind of music to play at your place of business. Playlists, branding everyone with music which includes different elements of the business, and educating employees in music psychology are some of the ways in which music can be utilized.

Always bear in mind that the customers are the target and it is only necessary to follow their links thus allowing changing the music gradually with the help of the clients’ wishes. In this way, the environment will be productive in their shopping experience and in fact, will make them want to come back.

music psychology degree


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